Hard Drives are the store room or the power house of a system. so, when a Drive is crashed or corrupt, the user stand a chance of lossing vital infomations. hence it's important for us to know some basics for maintaining a hard drive and how it can be treated if attacked.
To avoid having harddrive problems, the following are very essential;
1. Do not put your system off directly without going through the normal 'Start'-'turn off computer' steps.
2. if you are using desk top, it is highly recommended that you have UPS. why in God's name will you use a system without the thought of power backups.
3. Do not connect your system directly to power source
4. Do not use a system on a low or high voltage-it has to be optimal within 210-220.
I assure you if the above procedures are strictly followed, your Hard drive will be very save.
Perhaps you are a victim of crashed hard drive, the following are recommended;
1.Reload the operating system, by formatting the system completely
2.To avoid losing your information, ensure you backup your datas before formatting
3.And Another controvercial remedy is; put the hard drive in a very cold frigde for about 20-30 minutes(ensure you Rap or viel it with cellophane or Polythene bag)